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代寫PLAN60722 – Urban Design Project

時間:2024-02-22  來源:  作者: 我要糾錯

PLAN60722 – Urban Design Project

Credits: 15


Course Unit Leader: Lecturers: Technical Officer: GTA / Tutors:

Dr Philip Black (PB) philip.black@manchester.ac.uk Philip Black; Amber Roberts (AR); & Rachel Kerr (RK) Taki Sonbli (TS)

Ana Kahfi (AK)

 Any enquires about the course unit should be addressed only to the course leader Dr Philip Black at philip.black@manchester.ac.uk.


Lecturers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Aims............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Timetable...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Submission.................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Support and Feedback ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Student Support Services.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Marking Criteria.......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Equipment Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 7 Reading and Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 8


This course unit aims to reinforce, through applied practice, the main principles of urban design; skills of architectural observation and description; techniques for analysis of urban space; design policy and guidance; design and access statements; and urban design proposals and schemes. The unit involves the delivery of a detailed urban design proposal on the site previously allocated to students on PLAN60981 Urban Design Studio. The course includes studio exercises and overview lectures introducing students to key themes, terminology, and practice.

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  The course is comprised of four key elements:

1. Pre-Study: A series of online pre-recorded video, lectures and materials to watch and consider prior to the Friday studio (usually uploaded to Blackboard the Monday before) showcasing a particular series of techniques and/or or exercise to try in your own time and matters to consider before you attend the workshop on Friday. In many cases these will be supported by a written toolkit.

2. Friday Studio: An in-person urban design studio session on Friday morning each week. These sessions will build on the pre-recorded study materials and exercises and allow you to develop these ideas exploring different design steps and techniques. These studio sessions are normally made up of introductory lectures and workshop exercises. This teaching will provide students with an understanding of the urban design process in professional practice. The workshops are designed to engage students with the core techniques required to produce successful urban design projects. Students are expected to fully engage in all sessions.

On Friday afternoons we will be hosting a range of optional sessions, these will be a mixture of Q&A sessions, surgeries, and mini-crits. These sessions are not mandatory, but we do ask that if you do attend, that you come prepared to share your work from the week and with questions to ask. These sessions will allow you to obtain more detailed feedback and see the work prepared by others so that you can learn from others, in a studio environment.

3. Urban Design Project: The development and presentation of an urban design project. Students are expected to work consistently on a weekly basis on the project and have 2 organised crits to receive detailed staff feedback. Full assignment details on pages 5-6

4. Technical Sessions: PLAN60950 Urban Design Applied Skills: These sessions are highly recommended for the necessary development of core urban design software and graphical skills. The sessions are designed to compliment the studio exercises and prepare you for the final assignment. Further details can be found on the Urban Design Applied Skills BB site.

*Students will also be expected to undertake the majority of their work as independent study outside of contact sessions. To support this you have full access to the MUD-Lab Studio when it is not being used by other units*

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This course aims to:

• Develop a project-oriented approach to urban design

• Apply site analysis techniques to support urban design proposals

• Explore urban design principles and their relationship with practice

• Design and communicate an urban design scaled intervention

• Develop skills of design and presentation

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

• To be able to conduct in-depth site analysis

• Understand the principal categories of urban design interventions

• Develop understanding of the key urban design principles and the design process

Intellectual skills

• To robustly test urban design scheme options

• To have the ability to effectively engage, with and learn from, constructive critique

• To be skilled in urban design presentation techniques

Practical skills

• Be able to deliver a comprehensive urban design proposal

• Use of IT software to present in a professional manner Transferable skills and personal qualities

• Use of Adobe Creative Suite and other design related software to present ideas and concepts;

• Ability to contribute to group discussions;


The timetable sets out the 12 week course structure, please note that on week 7 there will be no lectures or studio time due to the PGT international fieldtrips.

Each week a 3-hour session will be held: Friday’s 10.00 – 13.00. Optional Sessions are held on a number of weeks between 14.30 – 16.00 (see timetable for information)

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         Week 1

02 February

Week 2

09 February

Week 3

16 February

Week 4

23 February

Week 5

01 March

Week 6

08 March

Week 7

Week 8

12 April

Week 9

19 April

Week 10

26 April

Week 11

03 May

Week 12

10 May

Fridays 10.00-13.00 LECTURES (MUD-Lab Studio)

The Urban Design Program [PB] Introduction to Network Layers [PB]

Introduction to Arrangement Layers [BP] Introduction to Features/Feel Layers [PB] Concept to Layers [PB]


Fri 14.30-16.00 Q&A – Programs

Program Feedback

Walking Tour


Immature Design Options [AR]

               CRIT 1: Urban Design Program and Immature Proposal(s) 10%


*No Urban Design Project Sessions*

Blocks and Access [AR]

Streets and Enclosure [PB]

GI / PR / Arch [The Human Scale] [PB]

CRIT 11: Final Design Proposal 20%

Design Surgery [ALL]

Digital Walking Tour Walking Tour Peer-Crit


   08 March Crit I [10%]

03 May Crit II [20%]

28 May Design Boards & Model Submission [70%]

 NOTE: Please note that this course has been designed to run alongside the Urban Design Skills uncredited module timetabled for Monday AM. The Monday sessions will demonstrate how you are able to present your design work undertaken as part of the studio workshops (developed the Friday before) using a variety of computer and hand drawn graphics and link directly to this programme. Your attendance at these sessions is mandatory. Without attendance / engagement at the Monday sessions you will not be able to complete the requirements of this module.

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The graded elements to the module are set out below. Further information can be accessed through BlackBoard. A briefing will occur in Week 1.

 08 March 03 May 28 May

Urban Design Project

Key Dates:

Crit I – UD Program and Immature Proposal(s) Crit II – Final Design Proposal

Urban Design Project & Model Submission

[10%] [20%] [70%]

You are expected to deliver an urban design proposal for your PLAN60981 Urban Design Studio site. You will present your final proposal across 2x A1 boards. The proposal will include, as a minimum, A full urban design program; a design optioneering process; a finalised design solution (including 2D plan scale drawing and 3D visualisations); clear design layers; and a range of appropriate visuals/graphics to showcase your design proposal. You will also provide a 3D Physical Model of your proposed design.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the assignment. A full de-brief of the assignment will take place in week 1 (one) and further updates will be provided throughout the semester through BlackBoard.

Design Crit 1 – Urban Design Program and Immature Proposal(s) [10%]

Date: Week 6: 08 March 2024 All boards to be pinned up BEFORE 10.00 or late penalties apply

Brief: You will present your full urban design program alongside your immature optioneering process. You will showcase your immature development and evaluations tested against the UD Program. Presentation: The presentation will last a maximum of 10 minutes and your work should be presented on 1 x A1 board [landscape orientation]. The presentation will be hosted in the MUD-Lab Studio in week 6 to one of the teaching team (a specific timetable will be published prior to the session). You are welcome to record, screenshot or photograph any feedback given. Further details of how the crit will run will be provided as part of the briefing the week before.

Submission: Please submit your A1 Board BEFORE 10am on the day of the crit to TurnItIn via the unit BB site. AND have your A1 pinned in the studio by 10AM at the latest.

All work must remain pinned up in the studio for a minimum of 1 week from date of presentation so ensure you have copies to continue your design work.

Crit 2 – Final Design Proposal [20%]

Date: Week 11: 03 May 2024 All boards to be pinned up BEFORE 10.00 or late penalties apply

Brief: You will present the development of your final vision, including a technical proposed design of your scheme and associated design layers. This presentation MUST include a technical scaled drawing of your urban design scheme at 1:1000 or 1:500 scales (your choice of scale will be determined by your site & amount of surrounding context you will be illustrating on your technical plan). It will also be evaluated and rationale against the urban design program.

Presentation: The presentation will last a maximum of 10 minutes and your work should be presented on 1 x A1 board.

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  Submission: Please submit your A1 Board BEFORE 10am on the day of the crit to TurnItIn via the unit BB site. AND have your A1 pinned in the studio by 10AM at the latest.

This board must remain pinned up in the studio for a minimum of 1 week from date of presentation.

Urban Design Project [70%]

Submission TurnitIn: Tuesday 28th May 2023 – 2pm

Brief: You will submit 2 x A1 boards detailing your design project. Plus a 3D Physical Model of your proposed design.

You MUST include as a minimum, A full urban design program; a design optioneering process; a finalised design solution (including 2D technical plan scale drawing and 3D visualisations); clear design layers; human scaled detail; a range of appropriate visuals/graphics to showcase your design proposal; and a 3D physical model of the design scheme.

More details on variables, elements, layers, and graphics you could include/utilise will be discussed in studio sessions.

For TurnitIn submission please upload work as a PDF and ensure the file does not exceed 40MB.


You will produce a 1:1000 scale 3D physical model of your proposed design scheme using the MUD- Lab Model Workshop. You will be provided with clear instructions on what is required prior to these weeks. These models will be inserted into the larger massing models you made in Semester 1. You will have the opportunity to take professional pictures for your A1 boards and personal portfolios.

You must submit the finalised 3D model to Dr Taki Sonbli before 2pm on 28Th May 2024. The model is part of the final 70% assessment with the 2x A1 Boards.

*Further details of timetabling for the workshop and requirements of the model will be provided in studio and on BlackBoard during the semester*


The final assignment A1 boards should be submitted via the TurnItIn submission that is accessible via the course unit BlackBoard page. TurnItIn submissions will be used to provide final feedback on each assignment. For further information on each assignment and how they should be formatted and submitted please refer to the assessment section of this handbook.

Your 3D model should be submitted to Dr Taki Sonbli in person.

Late submissions are subject to the Facilities ‘Sliding Scale’. A piece submitted late will receive a 10 mark reduction on the first day and a further 10 mark reduction for any subsequent day it is late (including weekends). Normal mitigating circumstances procedures apply.

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  Support and Feedback

Informal feedback on your work will be available as the course progresses. Formal feedback and marking on coursework will follow School procedures. For the final assignment summative feedback will be provided through TurnItIn accessed on the unit Blackboard page. Crit feedback will be provided during the crit sessions, failure to attend crits without prior consent or university approved mitigating circumstances will result in a non-mark and no subsequent feedback will be provided.

Outside of the arranged sessions you can organise appointments with the lecturer during contact hours. Please contact Dr Philip Black (philip.black@manchester.ac.uk) personally to mutually agree a convenient time.

Lecturer Contact Hours:

Philip Black Wednesday 14.00-16.00 philip.black@manchester.ac.uk

Student Support Services

The SEED student support team are available for drop-in appointments for students who might want to talk about any support, wellbeing or academic concerns or questions.

Rachid M’Rabty (Student Support & Engagement Officer) https://rachidmrabty.youcanbook.me Rebecca Moynihan (Student Support & Engagement Admin) https://RebeccaMoynihan.youcanbook.me

Marking Criteria

Work will be marked using the standard marking criteria, which is accessible via BlackBoard. All assignments are subject to university protocol step marking.

Equipment Recommendations

This is a practical course that requires some technical design tools/materials to allow students to fully participate. We do have MUD-Lab resources available but suggest you also purchase your own equipment where possible.

Some recommended equipment is set out below:

• Drafting pencil(s) and pen(s)

• Fibre-tipped colouring pens

• Scale ruler (with 1:500 and 1:1000)

• A3 sketch book and tracing pad

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The MUD-Lab Toolkit is a key element for success on this unit – it will be fully accessible via the MUD-Lab website and is constantly being updated and added to [ www.manchester.ac.uk/mudlab]. The website is also full of other useful links and resources that can aid you in your development.

A course reading list can be accessed on the BlackBoard page, and specific readings for each lecture/seminar will also be uploaded alongside lecture slides. Students can also keep up to date with the latest articles and news related to urban design issues via the twitter account @design_pb.

Key Readings

• Barton H et al Shaping Neighbourhoods 711.001/B154

• Black, P. & Sonbli, T. (2019). The Urban Design Process. 307.1216 BLA

• Moor M & Rowland J Urban Design Futures 711.4/M442 Recommended Resources

• Manchester Urban Design LAB – www.manchester.ac.uk/mudlab

  • Carmona, M. (2010). Public places-urban spaces. Routledge, London.

• Carmona M & Tiesdell S Urban Design Reader 771.4 C374

• English Partnerships Urban Design Compendium 729/E3 – also available online

• Kostof S, The City Shaped and The City Assembled 711.4/K240

• Larice, M. and Macdondald, E. (2013). The Urban Design Reader. Routledge, London

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  • 下一篇:代做Mobile HCI (H/M): Coursework Exercise
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